
How to Increase Your Facebook Post Visibility and EdgeRank

on 12 August 2013

Getting more exposure through Facebook is some difficult. Everyone say that Facebook will generate more traffic to my website. Yes Facebook can, if your Facebook post had more visibility. Anyhow I can not say that My Blog hasn't get awesome visitors through Facebook. Although our Facebook page has 11,000+ likes.

You might notice that your Facebook fanpage post (content) isn't getting full visibility as compared to number of your facebook page likes. Means, suppose your facebook page has 1000 likes and you are posting new updates in sort of Photo, Video, Status etc, But unfortunately those post getting only 250 visibility among your Page likes, while you have 1000 peoples liked your page.

This might happen in almost your Facebook post because of new Facebook algorithm called EdgeRank. Google has its own algorithm to display better result in SERPs for web users, like, facebook is too had its own algorithm to govern the post to display in newsfeed.

What is EdgeRank?

EdgeRank is an algorithm developed by Facebook to govern the post visibility in newsfeed. That shows which are most important post mean if the post had more comments, shares and likes. Then it show your fanpage post in newsfeed of your page likers or customers. [Bad news Even if someone likes your Facebook Page, they may never see your fanpage’s updates in their newsfeed]. So try to improve you Facebook page EdgeRank to get more visibility for your post among newsfeed.

There are three methods that measure EdgeRank by Facebook as follow:

Affinity: This is about the relationship between your brand and the Facebook user. The more interactions you have with a user, the more likely it is that your posts will place higher. If the post had more a user comments, likes, and clicks on your posts, the higher the affinity. Sharing is also a big part of affinity.

Weight: EdgeRank also weighs each of the actions that a user can take. The more required interation is to get comment is weighted more heavily in the algorithm than a like. Means comments have more value than likes of the post.

Time decay: Over time, your post becomes less valuable. The older a post is, the less likely it is to show up high in the news feed. It’s about sharing new updates. Post regularly in Facebook

Here are few steps to increase EdgeRank and get more visibility to your post.

Best way to get more visibility to you Facebook Page Post.

Share always photos and videos, not status. 

In new Facebook's share report tell that Facebook has giving more visibility to photos and video than status and link. About 17-18% of people(followers) see your post in their newsfeed.. As I told you before that your Facebook post only getting 250 views while your Facebook page have 1500 peoples likes.

So Post photos and videos which will make your fans more attention to your post and turn to get comments and shares.

Of course you will get more visibility if the post getting comments, shares and likes. More visibility is depend on comments and shares of your post, not likes. Because comment and shares generate more chances to gain visibility for your Facebook post to be viewed in Newsfeed of your fans. See the image below to understand different between photo sharing and link sharing visibility

Ask question to your followers by posting appropriate photo with caption inside the photo. Post fumy pictures.

Try above method to increase your edgerank and get more visibility to your fanpage's posts as well. I hope you find this article as best turn for your Facebook page to improve edgerank.
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