
Automatically Pause Youtube Video - Youtube Smart Pause For Firefox

on 1 June 2013

As we all are daily YouTube watcher. Every people who using internet at least watch a video on YouTube daily. So when we open a YouTube video it start playing automatically without our permission. Therefore we can not switch new tab for browse social site or website because it make some slow and we will loss the few parts of the video, unless if we hit pause button.

Now you can solve such problem by using a addon called YouTube Smart Pause. This addon automatically pauses the video when you leave the current video tab into other tab and it automatically resume once you return to the video tab again.

This addon is useful for those who watching YouTube video for guide or game walkthrough, they can go other website or play game after getting the idea without hitting pause button on the player.

All you have to install this addon on your Firefox browser from addon page and you can open a YouTube video, then switch new tab and you can see the pause favicon on YouTube tab. If you want disable addon option, just you have to right click and click Disable YouTube Smart Pause.



  1. AnonymousJune 07, 2013

    YouTube is a great online tool to promote your business. To get the maximum number of viewers, it is essential to use the right techniques.

    how to get youtube views


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