
Blogger Enhance Its Template HTML Editor and Added Few New Features

on 10 April 2013

Blogger recently enhance it's template HTML editor with few new features. Blogger is always trying to make the platform eminent for the bloggers as well. As we all know template HTML editor is the source code of a blog which include all CSS, JavaScript, HTML etc in a one place. From there we can customize or modify the blog structure and template.

What Is New In Template HTML Editor ?

The new change is more effective and manipulate as compared to the old template HTML editor. Blogger team brought numerous features which people expect yet. The new feature in template HTML editor are syntax highlighting, line numbering, auto-indentation and code folding to make editing your template much easier and faster. You can find a Jump To Widget button which is used to jump easily into the widget, for example if you click Header1, then it shows the all code under Header widget.

New Blogger Template HTML Editor
These new changes make the bloggers satisfied on blogger in case of template HTML editor. All these feature are provided to all blogger, no need to do any other updates, just clicking edit HTML you can see the new changes.

New Features

Syntax Highlighting : Is a new feature in blogger that highlight the style, ID, class, tags etc with different color which is not available in old template HTML editor. So you can easily apprehend the different tags and more.

Line Numbering : It's another feature that add numbers to the each lines. Its pretty new feature to help where is error. You might have seen many times error while editing template like error in 4384 line. In old editor its difficult to find line which error happens in codding, so now its easy to find.

Auto-Indentation : This is new option allow you to clean up the indentation of template automatically by clicking Format template button.

Code Folding : You can see black right arrow on the left line numbering panel on the HTML editor. Which fold all code under a widget (it's block of  inside code of a widget). So while editing the inner code of a widget in HTML editor you should unfold or expand it. Its cool pretty.

All these new feature are to make the users best experience and more attractive with the blogger platform. Anyhow we all love the new feature added in blogger by blogger team.



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