
Best SEO Tips To Increase Your Website Page Rank

on 20 April 2013

Page rank is the most important aspect in determining the reputation of a blog or a website. So, here are some great SEO tips that will help you in increasing your page rank by much faster speed.

Firstly, let me tell you about that what actually Page Rank is. Page Rank is the scale of Google Adsense ranging from 0-10, on the basis of which Google provides ranking to all websites. The new websites generally have “0”  page rank. And the websites having above “5” page rank are high level websites with lots of traffic and large Internet presence.

Here are some SEO tips that will lead to increase of your page rank:

High Quality Content

The content you provide to your visitors must be of high quality and must at-least 350 words. The high quality content attracts the visitors towards it and thus helps in building regular traffic.

Regular Working

There must be regularity in your work as Google likes the website with regular working’s. So, be regular to your work, as you may have heard of that sayings that” Hard Work Pays”.

Build An HTML Sitemap

Create a HTML site map of your website. This works as an index for all different search engines. Thus helping in building large traffic, and thus helps in increasing  your page rank.

Use Quality Keywords

Quality keyword is the main thing that you must keep in your mind for large traffic to your blog.  You must always choose keywords for your blog post that is mostly searched by a visitor. This will help in boosting up your website traffic.  As you know that page rank and traffic are inter-dependent so if the traffic will increase then your page rank will also increase. Thus work on quality keywords.

Create More Links

Create more links with other websites. Increase your backlinks, inbound links, internal links and external links.

The best method of that is :

Guest Post: Write a guest post for high page rank website, so as to increase your website Internet presence and also build up relations with other websites.

Comment on Other blogs: The other thing that helps a lot in building your links is commenting on other blogs. Comment on high rated websites.

These all steps if followed with utter attention then, I am sure that your page rank will definitely go up with great speed.

Hope you liked the post. Do you have more tips than please comment !!!

Guest Author
My self Vishal Sharma, I am an engineering student, who is passionate about blogging. And is running my websites All Bloggin Ways. , I am a seo expert with great knowledge of Increasing traffic, earning and many more things.



  1. I think high quality content enough to increase website page rank

    1. Thanks for comment Muhammed!!
      But in my view only writing quality content is not way to increase your page rank, the points that I have provided here some how effects the page rank.
      Without links you can never earn a page rank :)

    2. Thanks!! Abdul for your compliments :)

  2. It doesn't matter how old SEO becomes, quality content will always be the king of all SEO activities. Thanks Vishal for providing the good information.

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    1. Thanks! Johny for your compliment :)

  3. Excellent tip, thank you. Parakum

    1. Welcome sir, for your compliment:)

  4. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

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  5. AnonymousMay 08, 2013

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  6. "Page rank is the most important aspect in determining the reputation of a blog or a website".
    Sorry but this is wrong. Content is what gets you winning hearts of fans, if you're talking about "Google's view of reputation" in other words ranking, then that's kinda right. But you can have PR-0 and still be ranked #1 for over 1000 keywords.

    "Firstly, let me tell you about that what actually Page Rank is. Page Rank is the scale of Google Adsense ranging from 0-10"
    Sorry this is wrong, it has nothing to do with adsense and never will. Adsense and Google search are two completely different things, Adsense is paid advertising nothing more nothing less, and if you don't know what Google search is then you probably shouldn't be writing about SEO. The two don't effect each other and never will.

    "The content you provide to your visitors must be of high quality and must at-least 350 words" Wrong. I can rank a page with nothing more than an image #1 for any keyword. Text length has nothing to do with anything, even Matt Cutts confirmed this.

    I'd say you write pretty well, so stick to stuff you know, or at least learn the content you're going to post about.

    Good job anyway mate. I'd like to see you do some guest posts here:

  7. Really great advice! Thanks for sharing incredible stuff and more valuable information

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  9. AnonymousJune 10, 2013

    Well ! SEO helps to improve page ranking . Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key tool for the website owners to get more traffic to the website. Nowadays,more seo techniques are available to increase page rank and most of the domain providers like offers Search engine visibility service to the domain registrants. I would like to add some seo tips to you :
    1.Do some keyword research
    2.Make sure each web page has a unique title and unique content
    3.Use your keywords in your web pages
    4.Add interactive features to your website.

    Use the link to know about page ranking .

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  13. Top quality backlinks are links pointing to your website that are coming from another website that has authority in search engines based upon it’s web page rank.If you’re not sure what web page rank is, Google it. There’s LOT’s of great info.Essentially, if you want your web pages on your site or blog to position well in the online look for engine they need to have a high web page rank.When your site is new it has a web pagerank of 0. Most small sites and blogs that position well in the search engines tend to have a web pagerank of 1-5.The highest web page rank is 10, which only sites like Google, Yahoo, Youtube Etc
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