
Implement Like To Download And Get More Facebook Fans

on 20 January 2013

If your blog related to downloading. Do you want to increase your Facebook fans from your blog? So here is an tip to get more Facebook fans. A technique is called "Like gate" which will ask your visitor to click like button before downloading and after clicking it only appear the download link, through that you can get more Facebook fans from your blog easily.
You can see a demo on below. Just check it

How To Create a Facebook Like Gate

1. Go to Facebook Like Gate page.
2. Fill out the field with your Facebook page URL, download link, width, color and at last click Create Your Like Gate Button. (See the image below)
3. Now you will redirected to Embed Code page and copy paste that code on your blog.
You can get more download gate app of other social media fans, just you have to go their apps page.

If you have lot's of visitor then you can get 100+ like daily and I hope this tip may help you to get more Facebook likes from your blog.



  1. Awesome trick

  2. Thats really cool way to increase Facebook Fans. Thanks

  3. I Have Subscribe And Facebook Fanpage Like FOr Download Script For Blogger

  4. Nice Trick, You should also check out

    You can redirect a user once he clicks the like button. Its pretty amazing

    1. Thanks for great suggestion. We will try to add next time.
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