
10 Web Designing Blunders These Are Common, But Avoidable!

on 22 May 2013

While designing a website, several practices are considered harmless, but in actual they are distorting for the website image. The things that look good to a designer might be considered awkward at the end of the prospects. Here are mentioned 10 common web designing traps that designers often fall prey to. Know and beware!

magIes And Colours: Poor Contrast 

Using graphics and colours of low contrast may affect the end users, if not a designer. The combo of black and grey colours for background and text looks awkward. Such odd combinations are also not printer-friendly.

Graphics And Adverts: More And More

Regardless of the efforts put into the designing work, if there are more graphics or graphical adverts, it’s disturbing. The colours used in the graphics may distort the image of an excellent web design company while annoying the prospects. Animated Ads also slow down the load speed, which is another distracting factor for the site visitors. You can avoid these issues by hiring a well known web design agency in Edinburgh.

Web Images: Misfit Greatly

At many websites, the images are placed wrongly. Resizing the images in an external editor is the best solution to get rid of this problem. Using HTML can’t optimize the image, but makes that a mess. A distorted image leaves a non-professional image of the web designer.

Multiple Browser Compatibility: It’s Lacking

If the issue of cross browser compatibility isn’t considered, it can affect the repute of the website badly. Many prospects couldn’t access the website due to lack of support by the browser they are using. However, if you hire experts like those of web Design Company in Edinburgh, they will test your website for multiple browsers and screen sizes before making that live.

Pattern: Behind The Text Background

If patterns are used as behind the text background, it’s disturbing for the site visitors. Patterns play the primary role only in web designing. For lighter background, the text should be darker for easy readability. The odd colour contrast of the text and the images is another distracting factor.

Website Text: Inconsistency is there

Consistent font not just looks great at a website, but also appeals to the eyes of the visitors. The selected fonts should appear good on the screens of the users, but just on the browsers. Don’t use the fonts that users might not have on their computers.

Homepage: Making That Cluttered

The home page is the face of a website, so it should be made clean and carrying basic information in as little words as possible. However, the home page should have clear navigational structure to move to any other part of the website. If the home page is studded with lots of information that is even irrelevant, it means an intentional effort to move to repel the visitors.

Overall Design: Missing Consistency

If a site visitor has to think twice where to navigate at a website, it’s the worst situation. The overall design should have complete consistency whether it’s about the colours, graphics, or any other designing elements. The design as well as the navigation should be smooth to facilitate the site visitors in easy browsing of their desired information.

Website: Under Construction

A website carrying the message of “under construction” is nothing else, but repulsion for the site visitors. Although, it’s a fact that a website remains under construction always, but delivering the message clearly isn’t good at all.

Browser/Resolution: Giving Recommendation

If the visitor is asked to use certain browser or certain screen resolution to bets view the website, it’s another bad practice that reduces the count of prospects, nothing else. No one can take the control of the visitors’ computer, so better to provide a solution that is good for all, regardless of the devices or browsers they prefer using.

How did you find these points when it comes to designing a website for the end users? These will obviously help you to create stunning. Yet functional websites, Share your own views about the topic.

Guest Author
Emma Jones lives in Scotland and leads the creative department of Vania Technologies, a well known web design agency in Dundee. She loves contributing to many famous web design communities. In her free time, she enjoys travelling with her family and friends. You can join her on twitter @vaniacteh



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